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量子论坛:Progresses of observing spin-orbit coupling and topological physics for ultracold atoms



报告题目:Progresses of observing spin-orbit coupling and topological physics for ultracold atoms

报告人:刘雄军 教授 (北京大学)



报告摘要:The spin-orbit (SO) interaction plays essential roles in many prominent quantum effects, with which the important topics including spintronics, topological insulators, and topological superconductors emerge in the past over decade. On the other hand, cold atoms with laser-induced SO interactions provide intriguing platforms to explore novel quantum physics beyond natural conditions of solids. In this talk I will present the recent progresses of observing SO coupling and novel topological physics for ultracold atoms, focusing on both theory and experiment. The talk will be divided into three parts. First, following a brief introduction to the fundamentals of SO couplings for ultracold atoms, we present a hierarchy set of minimal optical Raman lattice schemes for realizing various types of SO couplings and topological phases. The new schemes highlight the high experimental feasibility with long lifetime. Secondly, we discuss the topological equilibrium phases obtained for the optical Raman lattices, and in particular, we show novel new quantum phases resulted from the interplay between SO coupling and high orbital states. Finally, we present quantum far-from-equilibrium dynamics for the realized SO coupled topological systems, with novel topological quantum dynamics being studied. Future important issues in theory and experiment will also be introduced.