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量子论坛: A Universal and Implementable Approach to Quantum Adiabaticity



题目: A Universal and Implementable Approach to Quantum Adiabaticity

报 告 人: Prof. Lin Tian, School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced, USA


报告地点:量子楼 410 报告厅

摘要:Adiabatic quantum computing is a quantum computing prototype that provides powerful

insights to the optimization problems and the generation of novel quantum states. A central challenge in the successful implementation of adiabatic quantum algorithms is to maintain quantum adiabaticity and keep the system in its ground state during the evolution. However, quantum adiabaticity can be vulnerable in interacting many-body systems with small energy gaps, wherediabatic transitions out of the ground state can occur. Despite intensive efforts towards preserving quantum adiabaticity, an implementable method has yet to be developed. Here we present a universal and implementable approach to enhancing the quantum adiabaticity by exploiting the generic nonlinear features in adiabatic quantum computers. Our numerical simulation on several models, including a NP-complete problem, confirms our theoretical result. This approach does notrequire the spectral knowledge of the adiabatic quantum computer or the construction of unphysical interactions and can be implemented in realistic systems.

简介:Lin Tian received her Ph.D. in Physics in 2002 from the Massachusetts Institute

of Technology. After holding research positions at University of Innsbruck, NIST at Gaithersburg, and Stanford University, she joined the School of Natural Sciences at the University of California, Merced, in 2008. Her current research interests include theoretical questions in solid-state quantum information and quantum simulation, adiabatic quantum computing, optomechanics, and decoherence and noise models.